Friday, February 02, 2007
MY First Vacation

I had my 11-day vacation in Philippines last Jan 3 to Jan 14, 2007. Though it was really exhausting and “mind and body” draining experience, I would still consider that as a vacation for me.

My brother picked me up and drove me home from the airport. While on our way home, I felt sadden to see how miserable life there compare in KL. I can’t stop myself comparing everything here and there. It was really frustrating to see how we were left behind by our neighboring countries. Pity us * sigh*

Going back to my “vacation”, I never had a single day rest at all except the day where I got sick! But I was able to squeeze a lot of things in 11-day stay there. Here are just some:

1. I visited my relatives in Pampanga (mom’s side) and stayed there overnight.

I remember when I was still a kid we used to spend our school vacation there every year. But due to my hectic schooling and busy work, I can’t find time to visit them. The last time I visited them, which I can still remember, was more than 5 years ago. I would say that they’re my closest relatives as I grew up my childhood with them. In fact, it was my Auntie Uben who attended my college graduation day.

My mom is the youngest among 6 siblings. She also has 2 other younger half brothers. All in all, I have 33 cousins not to mention my second and third degree cousins, which most of them are already married and with lots of kids. This is just on my mother’s side (Hernandez Family)… my father’s side (Palacios Family) in Bacolod is way bigger than this… Now just imagine how big my family is! =).

We didn’t stay there for long because my brother had early class the next morning so we headed back to Manila at 3am. Inspite of that, I enjoyed my short trip back.

2. I came to see my old college friends at last!

My friends Ochie, Rain, Allan, Khaye, Grace, Roch, Weng, Laarni, and myself decided to meet at SM North (our usual meeting place haha). After our dinner at one of the Italian Restaurant in Quezon City, we went to a comedy bar to watch a comedy show. I really get a kick out of watching them! The show ended around 3am. Since most of us were still wide awake, we decided to hang out @ Starbucks and chilled there ‘til the morning sun rose. In my surprise, the AMEX Mountaineering group was there too and some of them recognized me.

Gilbert didn’t able to join us last night so I decided to meet him the next day. We decided to have our dinner at Teriyaki Boy.

I really missed these guys! I know one day isn’t enough to rekindle the memories we’ve had but we still have more time in the future for sure. Though it was short, I really had so much fun … hope to see you again soon!

3. Of course I did not forget to pamper myself.

I had my hair done, foot spa, hand spa, and facial with diamond peel. Wish I had more time to have a body massage. Next time I won’t miss that for sure.

Not to mention that I did a little bit of shopping.

I really had so much fun especially seeing my relatives and my old friends again. Now that I am back in KL, I just can’t wait to have my next vacation on May! New experience, new adventure!


My stay wasn’t just all about fun. Other than I got sick for a day, we got a bad news that my second cousin passed away due to heart attack. Despite of not feeling well, I went to her wake and prayed for her soul. May you rest in peace ate Ella. We will miss you.

Date Scribed: January 22, 2007
posted by Joseph @ 12:54 AM  
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