Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Double Birthday Blast!

Last Saturday, we celebrated Ellen and Ato’s birthday. Ato is one of my housemates and currently working as IT Consultant for more than 4 years now while Ellen is working as branch Manager of Burger King. The party was held in Sucasa hotel where Bong, Ato’s friend, temporarily lives.

The party started at 8PM. We were roughly around 20 pax in the room mostly from IT. But there are also some invited managers of Burger King and few ladies all the way from Singapore. They prepared spaghetti, crispy pata, pork chop, roasted chicken, grilled tilapia. And we have choco-banana cake and leche flan for the dessert.

As usual, we never failed to have the videoke session! Well, we should always expect this at every Filipino party hehe. Of course, beer will also not be missed! But I no longer drink much beer so I wasn’t drunk.

The party ended around 5AM ‘til we all feel tired and sleepy.

I was glad to know new acquaintances here in KL, at the same time, I had so much fun partying with my new found friends here.

Date Scribed: December 11, 2006

posted by Joseph @ 6:55 PM  
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