Monday, November 13, 2006
Catching up with my High School Friends

Early this week, when I was just slacking inside my room and nothing else to do, I finally decided to open a new account in Friendster. Ok you might just wonder why just now? Isn’t that too late? Oh well, I had one before. But I didn’t visit much often to the extent that I already forgot the password or even the email add I used. So I just created a new one instead.

To give you a bit background, I studied my secondary years at Sta. Clara Parish School in Pasay City, Manila, Philippines just adjacent to St. Mary’s Academy where I studied my elementary years. Sta. Clara is a parochial school headed by parishioners and RVM (Religious of the Virgin Mary) Congregation. In short, it’s an exclusive catholic school.

Studying in an exclusive school for boys is undoubtedly a fun mess! It wasn’t that difficult to deal with embarrassments in front of your classmates because you were all guys. But it also has negative side where you have to deal with a lot of issues, controversies, and people’s misconceptions. I know you know what I mean hehe. Truly, I’ve met wonderful friends over my 4 years of stay (straight and gays) but it doesn’t give me the notion to judge them accordingly. In fact, they were even the brightest students in the campus. I personally respect them whole-heartedly.

Going back to friendster, in my surprise, I saw a lot of my High School friends and batchmates’ page, from the friends’ list of the friend of a friend of my friend blah blah blah. In my delight, I immediately add them on my list and sent them messages to catch things up!

Some are already living and working abroad like me. To name some,
- Romano : Spain
- Roy : USA
- Eric : USA
- Walter : China
- Sheridan : Saudi Arabia
- Alvin : Singapore

It’s been a long time the last time I saw my closest friends in H.S. After a humiliating a disappointing decisions I’ve made in Mapua, they hear nothing from me nor see me at all. I personally feel ashamed of my situation then; big part of that because of the shameful fact that I stopped and failed to continue to have high grades. I don’t think I have the courage to see them after all those reprehensible decisions. So I intentionally stayed away from them.

But now that I have already picked up all the pieces, I am now ready to face them and to catch things up. Though I know it’s not right to just disappear like that. But as I’ve said, I intentionally did that for my own sake. I want to prove to everyone including myself that I can stand up by my own feet again and learn from my mistakes.

I know it’s not yet too late to catch up with them. I have a lot of special memories to reminisce and a lot more to look forward to.

Just from the few days of chatting with some of them and sending messages back and forth, I have found out that some are already married, but most of us are still happily single and looking haha.

I hope to see you again all… I miss you guys.

Date Scribed: November 10, 2006

posted by Joseph @ 9:28 PM  
  • At November 27, 2006 8:51 PM, Blogger Ochie said…

    uy... pareho tayo... just met up with my HS friends a few weeks back. wala lang ansaya...

    sabi nga nung isang online friend ko, nothing beats the feeling of seeing old friends again. :)

    uyy... paguwi mo, see you! pasalubong ko :D

  • At November 29, 2006 4:43 AM, Blogger NeiLDC said…

    Hey, its nice having a catch up with friends in HS. i went in london and i met one, and in here as well in madrid i met one. so its really happy.

    I was assign to one of the coordinator for reunion next year. so im catching all of them..

    pasalubong ko rin :)

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