Sunday, October 29, 2006
So Long my Friend

Last Tuesday afternoon we received a bad news from Manila that our officemate and good friend Arnel, after 4 years of battling with cancer, passed away that morning.

Arnel was one batch ahead of me but since we came from one management when we first started in AMEX, we became friends. He was so jolly and funny type of person. He loved to crack jokes and “manlait” at times. He was one of the most “jologs” peeps in AMEX. He knew almost all shows in television and familiar with almost all tagalog movies. A lot of people in our project know him because he’s very bubbly.

Few years back, he was diagnosed with throat cancer, coincidentally, same year with our dear friend Mia. They both suffered the same illness. He underwent several radiations and chemotherapy and was able to recover and went back to the office. But after a few months, sadly, the cancer strikes him again. I know he fought hard to survive but the fate dictates.

I cried and mourned because I missed them so much. But somehow, I am happy for both of them because I know that wherever they are right now, GOD is with them.

Guys, you will always be here in our hearts. We’re gonna miss you!

Date Scribed: October 26, 2006

posted by Joseph @ 6:14 AM  
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