Thursday, September 28, 2006
I Feel Elated
Right after I came back from Phoenix Arizona, I weighed 256 lbs. (116.36 kg.) which was the heaviest I’ve ever recorded. Eating the left over with soda every breakfast, double cheeseburger meal with large soda and fries at lunch, bars of chocolates every after meal, Cheetos and Doritos on my office bin every snack time, heavy meal at dinner, and most especially no exercise, were pretty much my life back in US. No wonder why I gained more pounds. Obviously, I lived in a very unhealthy lifestyle.

I began to ponder when all of my friends told me that I’m already fat and obese. Well that’s true, ‘coz I can no longer play long hours in the volleyball court or walk for distance which I used to do before. I looked terribly bad.

But due to the nature of my work in Manila, I can’t find time to go to gym. I was pre-occupied with a lot of tasks. But I managed to join the company’s volleyball league during off hours. In a way, it helped me reduce a couple of pounds and made me feel active. But still, my eating habits never changed. I still loved fast food meals, eating junk foods, and drinking sodas. Though I already lessen my food intake and started to drink fruit juices regularly. Nevertheless, I just have lost more or less 6 lbs in 4 months of doing that.

Before I flew here in Kuala Lumpur, I weighed around somewhere in between 247-250 lbs. with humungous bloated waistline of 40-42 inches. I was still damn overweight. But it didn’t cross my mind to try any diet program or go to gym though my doctor told me to start losing fats in my body for healthy living.

Until the time when I shed a couple of pounds due to boredom and homesick during my first few weeks here, I realized to give it a try. I believed that it was the right time for me since I have already started to lose weight, might as well continue it anyway. Since then, I go to gym regularly and watch my food intake. Each evening I drag myself out of my room and do my routine exercise.

As of this writing, my official weight is 220 lbs. (100 kg.) based from the reading I made 3 days ago. I have already lost 30 lbs. I feel elated!

Date Scribed: September 28, 2006
posted by Joseph @ 2:51 AM  
  • At October 04, 2006 4:31 AM, Blogger NeiLDC said…

    Congratulations bro, i know you can make it what you desired on your life and keep it up the work. I also wanted to loose some. so ill try to do it! ok.. Have a good day!

  • At October 04, 2006 5:21 PM, Blogger Joseph said…

    Thanks! thanks! Give it a try neil! It's fullfilling.. =)

    Miss you bro...

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