Saturday, September 09, 2006
I Love You...
Last Wednesday my mom flew back to Saudi. =(

I should have prepared myself… I should have used to this…But honestly, it is still the same pain I had felt the first time he left us when I was four. It is hard for me to accept and to realize that I can’t see my mom for years again. I haven’t seen her for 3 years now, then more years to count because of this.

What’s more painful for me is to think that I am already earning enough to support them but I was not able to convince her to stay. In the first place, they’re the reason why I chose to work here abroad so I could give them their wants and needs, but I felt useless. I told her it’s no need for her to come back, but she insisted to go.

In all fairness, my mom explained to us everything. Besides, my dad is still there as well. Don’t worry, I promise that when you retire from work and decided to stay in Philippines for good, I’ll bring you to different places… I’ll do my best to give you what you deserve.

I love you Dad, I love you Mom.

Date Scribed: September 9, 2006
posted by Joseph @ 8:43 AM  
  • At September 09, 2006 9:39 AM, Blogger -gbert- said…

    rey, i havent experienced that yet, but i do empathize with you. always remember that love transcends barriers, and it can endure the hardship that distance brings.

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