Thursday, August 10, 2006
BonVoyage dude!
BonVoyage dude!

Yesterday was the last day of my officemate Ronnel. He was the most senior (by experience not by age) Filipino consultant here in Maybank. He was the most knowledgeable among us when it comes to our system as he was already using this same system even on his previous work in Philippines. He was very keen and effective player. After a long 2 years of working, his contract here has finally ended.

Actually, I haven’t had the opportunity to work with him in a project or something as I just started a few months back and still haven’t given more challenging projects yet. But time to time, I was able to pick-up something from him. He was always available to answer all my stupid questions hehe. He provided me guidance to lead me to the right direction and helped me on my tasks on his own little way.

Yesterday, merienda time, we (all Filipino consultants) have decided to gather and have a small chitchat all together at Starbucks. Just in time, our Malaysian employer visited us in our office and surprisingly treated all of us hehe. We are about 10 Filipinos left here minus Ronnel so we’re now only 9. I am the newest member so they always teased me that I am the luckiest because I am still doing petty tasks as of this moment hehe. God is really good to me! Anyways, it was a fun afternoon merienda with them.

For the short span of time working with him, I have already learned something from him. Dude, thanks for everything. Good luck on your new undertaking and God Bless you and your family. Keep it touch.

You might be wondering where he will be going, well he just found a new permanent job in New Zealand! Isn’t that cool! Wish you all the best dude.


Date Scribed: August 10, 2006
posted by Joseph @ 10:32 PM  
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