Tuesday, July 25, 2006
A Trip to Putrajaya
Good news, I already have task! Finally, they gave me a ticket to work on last Wednesday afternoon. Bad news, I am still not yet done… Anyways, I still have a week to provide them the report. But this is not the reason why I wrote hehe.

Last Sunday, I went out to see Anai and the rest of our friends from Singapore (Khris, Gracia and Hazel) who were here for a weekend vacation. We were also accompanied by Milay, Efren and his girlfriend. We were all former Triumph employees and now working abroad.

Anai is my former teammate and a good friend. She was one of the divas in Triumph as she loves to sing ALOT. She’s also very jolly and witty that’s why we jived easily. We regularly go to Big Chill with Ryan during lunch time not just to buy drinks but also to chat about everything together. I really miss those days hehe.

She arrived here in Malaysia last Saturday night. The next day, we decided to meet up at starbucks in KLCC around 10am. I purposely went there a ‘lil earlier to do window shopping because there’s an ongoing mega sale here in all malls for the whole month. Oh well, Anai was also late so I have enough time to rove the place hehe. I also went to Petronas tower but unfortunately there were no more tickets available at that time. The tickets were just limited and it’s first come first serve basis. So I just decided to sit outside where I met an American couple and had a ‘lil chit chat.

The rest of the group was already waiting for us in KL Sentral. From there, we still need to travel at least 30 minutes by train just to go to the destination place (Putrajaya). But since we were late hehe, they’ve decided to go ahead and just meet straight off to Putra Jaya, So Anai and I traveled from KLCC to KL Sentral station then transferred to another transit, the South East Asia’s fastest train as they claim, from KL Sentral to Putra Jaya station. We just keep on talking the whole time. It was a long ride but seemed too short because we didn’t run out of topic to talk and laugh about hehe. The rest of the group was already waiting in the coach when we reached the destination. Then we were introduced to Efren’s girlfriend who happens to be a friend and a former officemate of one of my close friends in college, Laarni (small world! Hehe).

We were like 15 tourists in the coach from different countries. They let us discovered the different architectural designs and structures of Putrajaya. We went to Melawati Palace, Prime Minister’s Office, Putra Mosque, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, and a lot more… The place has a lot to offer, a nice, clean and serene place. Unfortunately, we don’t have much time to tour the place as some of my friends still need to travel 5 hrs back to Singapore that night. Not to mention that we were also so tired walking the whole afternoon hehe. We were like 5 minutes late when the coach arrived Putrajaya station. So we still waited for about 30 minutes before the next train leaves. It was around 4 pm when we reached the KL Sentral, where we all parted ways and bid goodbyes to each other. I personally had so much fun touring the place with them. I will miss them and hoping to see them soon.

Anai and I headed back to Masjid Jamek to attend the Sunday mass but we were an hour earlier when we went to St. John Church so we just decided to buy a sim card first and go to department store to buy stuffs. I brought her in Mydin, the most economical department store here comparable to Uniwide in Philippines hehe. After that, we went straight away to the church and waited until the mass starts.

After mass, just a few blocks away from the church, we had our dinner at Burger King. We stayed there for about an hour or two talking everything that’s happening back home and reminiscing the old days with our dear friends. After that, we both decided to go home and rest as we still have work the next morning, her first day in her new work.

It was a very tiring day but was also one of the blissful Sundays I have here in Malaysia so far.
posted by Joseph @ 8:11 PM  
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