Sunday, July 16, 2006
Not my Luck
I woke up an hour earlier to my normal wake up time to prepare myself for a mass. I must attend this one because I missed the two Sunday masses prior. And I promise myself and to my Lord Jesus that I will attend today’s mass. Anyways, I went there with one of my housemates. My other housemate went back to Philippines for his vacation and will be returning later tonight.

I saw some of my officemates in the church. But of course, since we are inside our God’s temple, we have to observe silence and focus on the mass so we didn’t talk much.

After the mass, we headed outside and meet my housemate’s friends who already become my acquaintances and buddies every Sunday. Not much actually other than going out on a lunch with them every Sunday. So that was it. We then meet some of my housemate’s friend’s friends. Ok in short, we are in a group meeting Ha-ha. We decided to eat lunch at Hart’s Chicken, an eat all you can buffet restaurant, in Time Square. For only 17 RM you can eat as many as you can, Lucky for us because we barely eat dinner last night. I was really tired to go down to cafeteria to buy food last night so I just ate apple and a piece of bread. I must say that the food is considerably good for its price. So we’re pretty much pleased and contented.

After lunch, we have decided to separate ways and go elsewhere. Some went straight away home while some went to watch a movie. I myself don’t want to go home yet because it’s still too early but I also don’t want to watch movie because I am not in the mood to watch. Anyways, I just decided to go to Sungei Wang mall by myself to have my hair done. Besides, it’s been almost two months the last time I have it trimmed. But what I’ve thought an ordinary day for me turned out to be a little drastic.

I saw a nice salon on the 2nd floor of the mall. The place was clean and looks comfy. I asked the receptionist for the price. Actually, price isn’t that important as long as you’re satisfied with the result. But of course, I have my limit Ha-ha. Anyways, the girl said that it would only cost me 25 RM so I tried. To give you an idea on how much is the hair cut for male here; in a typical barber shop, it ranges from 10-12 RM. In a small salon, it ranges from 15-20 RM. And in a nice salon, it’s 20+ up depending on the cut and style. When I was already inside the salon, the hairstylist told me that they need to shampoo my hair first since I was wearing gel then BUT additional 10 RM for me. Ok fine! As if I have a choice. While I was sitting on one of the chair they offered me a drink. I think it was a tea or something. I don’t know exactly how it happened but it spilled over me! My pants was awfully wet. It was extremely horrible. It looked like I pee on my pants. Just imagine while the hairstylist shampooing my hair, I was drying my pants with a blower. It was hideous.

While I was still letting it dry, the hairstylist already starts to cut my hair. At first, it was ok… just trimmed here and there. Then all of a sudden, she was cutting brusquely like as if she was in a hurry. This is no good! She cuts my hair short! Waaahhh. She made me look like an anime … a cartoon character with spike hair… or should I say look like a pineapple. Waaahhh this is terrible. I want my old hairstyle back! Waaahhh.

Since everything has already been done, I just didn’t complain. I just asked the girl to put more gel in it. *sigh* I will never go back to that salon EVER. Imagine! They even gave me calling card after all that happened! Duh! Well, as my friend said, “I must try all the salons then only I’ll know which one is better and which is not.” Well, I’ll just look for a better one next time, not just my luck today. :-)
posted by Joseph @ 5:52 AM  
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