Sunday, July 16, 2006
Solace and Serenity

Years back, I have wanted to start creating a blog for myself but my previous work schedule didn’t allow me to do so. Now that I have a new work, not that I am doing nothing in my current work, it just that I have more time for myself to do whatever I want in my life, I will try my best to write down everything that’s happening in my life, both good and bad. Even the best memories I have had in the past, and will post them consequently on the coming days.

I named my blog as “Solace and Serenity” simply because that’s what I think everyone of us is looking right now, the comfort and tranquility of life. We are living not to face all the trials, not to fight all the hardships, and not to cope with all the sacrifices, but rather to seek for the best comfort and tranquility of life.

I would like to thank my best friend for inspiring me and encouraging me to create my own blog. He’s been doing his own for the longest time and thru that I was able to have better ideas on how he was doing. I hope that through this, I will be able to share my persona to everyone especially to my friends all over the world. And I will be able to give you updates on my colorful and wonderful life.

Take care and God Bless!
posted by Joseph @ 4:59 AM  
  • At July 17, 2006 11:00 AM, Blogger NeiLDC said…

    To my bestfriend,

    Its been the time to do this thing, In life no matter what, we must have to look at our pages and our chapters, and we are the one responsible of writing it down... So welcome to the bloggers world.. and im very proud of you!

    Amigo para Siempre!

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