Sunday, July 16, 2006
My Resignation / Last day note to Triumph

It’s been almost two months when I tendered my resignation in my previous company, Accenture. At first, it was really painful because I was upset and disappointed on how it was ended. Upset, because it was not the one I envisioned to happen on my career, disappointed, because I have trusted my career to the wrong person(s).

It was not an easy decision especially the thought of forgetting how great was the investment and foundation I have established. But at the end, I must learn to accept the reality. I must learn to forget all the disappointments and start to move on. After all, life must go on.

In life, there are series of meetings and partings. In a particular event we meet a friend, for some reason we part ways. But we only look back at the event that has somehow helped us grow.” Accenture has become my second home for almost 4 years. It is where I shared my thoughts, my dreams, and my ambitions. It is where I found true friends and companions. I had so many memories to keep, in and outside the project, from the project outings and team buildings upto volleyball outings and leagues. It was indeed a wonderful 4 year stay.

But the hardest part for me was leaving my office friends with obvious reason that I will definitely miss the camaraderie and laughter. Having them in my life makes me feel secure and stable. And somehow, I become dependent to them emotionally. Now that I am facing a new chapter of my life, new challenges awaits, I will apply whatever teachings you’ve thought and whatever lessons I’ve learned.

Thanks for the special memories together… Keep in touch friends…

Here is my Last Day note to my Project:

Today is my last day in AMEX-Triumph.
My 3 + years in Triumph have been fun and enriching. In everything that I have been through, I have discovered one very important lesson - that friendships can be formed from countless OT hours, seemingly endless sev1 and sev2 IMRs, numerous training and brownbag sessions, and of course onshore.
To Statementing/GRMS/CMLD team, my humble beginning started with you. Thanks for being my first home in Triumph and for continually welcoming me back to the team. I owe whatever functional and technical skills I have to you. Thanks for the experiences and friendships formed during team buildings and lunchouts. Overtime work surprisingly became an enjoyable experience because of the funny times together. It was great working hard and laughing harder with you guys!
To Account Setup / XPT team, thank you for all the experiences and friendships most especially thanks for accepting me in your team. I've tried to share myself with you, and I hope you benefitted from me as much as I benefitted from having all of you working with me. By the way, it was fun drinking tequilla in Baguio!
To the people whom I have worked with during my stay in Phoenix, thanks for being very supportive. Special thanks to Triumph BOS and Triumph DBA people for always helping me in CMLD and production issues. And to CMLD business for always being so understanding and patient to Triumph. :-) It was great working with you guys. I will definitely miss resolving sev1 and sev2 CMLD/production issues. :-)
To my co-onshore folks, thanks for the wonderful memories. I will never ever forget those days. Hope we can do that again someday.
To my startgroup, we've been together for almost 4 yrs now and I am happy that our friendships stay stronger. Promise that I will always be here when you need my help. Just let me know.
Lastly, to my friends whom I have interacted with directly or indirectly during office and non-office activities, thank you all for touching my life in your own special way.
I will be waiting for our paths to cross once again.
Best of luck to all of us and keep in touch!
posted by Joseph @ 5:42 AM  
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