Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Losing my Patience
It’s already my 8th week here in my new company and yet I still don’t have EVERYTHING. First, I still don’t have e-mail add. What’s difficult in setting up my e-mail? I’d follow-up my request a number of times already but still, nothing happened.

Second, my racf-id still hasn’t configured yet. What’s the f**cking hard in creating a request? If I could only do that myself, I would. But I was not permitted to do so. I am just an expatriate here. *sigh*.

Lastly, I still don’t have formal tasks! For God sake, it’s been 8 weeks doing self-improvement thingy. How can I fully understand the system if they’ll not give me tasks. First and foremost, I am novice on their system. It is totally different from what I used back home. Secondly, they don’t have documents that I could read on to help me understand their current system. Thirdly, they don’t even have someone from my team to provide knowledge transfer or even just give me an overview on how their system works. Pity me… Are they expecting me to know all of these by myself? My goodness…

I am starting to lose my patience now… grrrhhh… On a second thought, if they’ve already given me tasks prior, then most probably I still have not started my blog yet. Oh well, that’s the only consolation that I should be thankful for. *sigh*
Earlier, I have already talked to my team lead and asked “again” for any tasks. She said she’ll find one for me. Hmm… let’s wait and see what will happen, and will keep you posted.
posted by Joseph @ 5:53 PM  
  • At July 20, 2006 7:25 PM, Blogger Ochie said…

    missing all the available KT stuff from Accenture ne? mwehehheheh.... and miss feeling busy? I know it could drive us nuts... not doing anything and just bumming.. lol.. hang in there!

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