Monday, July 17, 2006
My Volleyball Career

Volleyball is one of my favorite sports up to date. I started playing volleyball when I was still in grade school. But it was only during my HS days when I became competitively active. But sadly, I didn’t become our school’s varsity player then. Why? That’s another story to tell.

I used to play with our school’s varsity players during their practice sessions whenever I have time to develop more skills and to gain camaraderie with them as well. Though I was not a varsity player, I support them all throughout. I was always present on each and every game that they’ve played. In return, they were also very supportive with my undertakings.

At one point in my HS life, I was offered to join the Philippine Youth team. It just knocked me off. It was a prestigious event participated by different countries! Sadly, I only attended two sessions when I decided to quit, not that I don’t like the game, but I was informed by the management that I must leave school for a while and concentrate on the training which was held in Baguio a few months before the event started. It all happened a month before my Graduation Day so, for that reason, if I’ll continue playing then I will miss my Graduation Day and the first semester in college which my mom disagreed. Hence, I chose to quit.

As I was really willing and eager to play this game in a collegiate level, I attended the try-out session of one of the prestigious colleges in NCAA. Fortunately, I was chosen amongst the 12 players to play for the school. Also, it became an access for me to enter on this college Ha-ha. But for some demanding reason, I quit again. But I have no regrets because I’ve learned a lot of things from my coaches and co-players. Since then, I joined couple of tournaments, be it from school sports fest or other leagues outside the campus.

My fascination on this sport continued even when I was already working. In fact, I was an active player of the Accenture Volleyball League, an annual tournament for company’s volleyball hopeful employees. We won 1st runner up on my first year, 2nd runner up on my second year, and grabbed another 1st runner up on my third year. I was awarded Best Blocker last season and Best Spiker recently, my last award before I left the company hehe. When I was in Phoenix, I also joined a sort of like a tournament which we landed second. It was very competitive tournament because ALL who participated (mostly Mexicans… some Americans and Chinese… but I was the only Filipino hehe) were all great. It had so much fun playing with them.

Recently, I was selected to join the Accenture Volleyball team competed on Club650 League. It was participated by different teams from colleges and companies. Though we didn’t make it that far, a quarterfinals slot was already enough achievement for us. By the way, it was televised and my neighbors saw me in television hehe. Seriously, winning a game is just a bonus. It is the rapport built inside the court and how you win your teammates’ respect is what matters most.

Moreover, this sport enhanced my behavior in a variety of areas. I learnt the value of teamwork, composure, perseverance and somehow helped me establish my own goals and values. I know each and every one of us has our own interests, our own game… and for me, this is my game!
posted by Joseph @ 2:37 AM  
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