Saturday, September 09, 2006
Nothing Much
It’s been a while when I posted my last blog. Where have I been? Actually, nowhere else but stuck here in my small world. I’ve never been in a vacation or something. For the past days, I was so busy at work and a lot of things happened so quickly that I can’t even find time to write it down.

I have so many deadlines right now that I need to work on. But that’s the reason why I am here, to work, so I have to deal with it. Besides, I am starting to enjoy my job. Hopefully this is the beginning…

Last week my friend Shan went back home to Oman. See my previous post about him. I happened to contact him early this week. So bad that I don’t have enough load in my cellphone, but none the less I am happy to talk to him again even for a few minutes only. He’s now back on school and swimming team. I’m so proud of him.

Last week, finally, I was able to finish watching the season 1 of Prison Break! Two thumbs up! It was exhilarating ‘til end. You must watch this series…

Last Sunday I accompanied my friend Vera to buy her laptop and move all her things from hotel to her new condo unit. We were with Ulysses when we went to Lowyat. After that, we just stopped by on her hotel to leave her laptop and went straight away to Midvalley Mall. We played bowling ‘til midnight and had a light drinks. We were still up ‘til 3am playing cards on Vera’s hotel unit. We slept over her place to help her move all her things that morning. It was tiring day for me but I enjoyed seeing my friends as always. I had fun.
posted by Joseph @ 8:24 AM  
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