Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Ecstatic Feeling
Yesterday afternoon, I was on Time Square right after my support shift in the office. Oh yes, I was in the office because I was on standby support from 9am to 3pm. Lucky for me, there was no issues.

I just strolled around and trying to look for a dermatology clinic. I miss “Let’s face it” in Manila. I used to go there 3 times (sometimes more) a month for facial cleaning, pricking, etc. I badly need a facial now. Grrrh. But instead of a clinic, I found myself in stores buying clothes.

I’ve been watching my diet and going to gym regularly for more than 2 months now and considerably lost amount of weight but I don’t have the exact measure how much I’ve lost. I know I’ve trimmed a couple of inches in my waist, thigh, and hips as all my pants are already big for me now. When I was in Manila, I used to buy 40-42 size jeans and shorts. Poor Reylon… Yeah, I was overweight but since I stand 6’5, it wasn’t obvious much. (Hmm, maybe it was really obvious, it just that I didn’t mind it so much. Or should I say I was keep believing myself I wasn’t… on denial hehe). Going back, when I tried fitting shorts yesterday, I was surprised that I am already fit on size 36 (depending on brands some were even 34!) So if you do the math, I’ve lost 4 inches! Isn’t that great?!?!? Also, I used to buy 2X to 3X size shirts, but now, I can buy XL! I can’t believe with the result. I can’t believe I’ve done that. I am so proud of myself. Ha-ha.

But it was still a couple of inches more of my goal which is 32-33. So I still need to exert more effort and continue my motivation. Nonetheless, I am happy because in a short span of time I’ve lost significant figure. I still have more than 3 months to accomplish my mission so I know I can reach my goal on time. I believe I can make it!

I am just so delighted, overjoyed, ecstatic… hehe. Kudos for me!

Date Scribed: September 25, 2006
posted by Joseph @ 7:38 AM  
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