Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Petronas and MATTA fair
After a long busy week, I thought I will be on full rest this weekend. But I was wrong.

My housemates’ friends Mike, Jerome, Yolly, and Janet came over our place and brought beers and “pulutan” foods. I already swore to myself that I won’t drink anymore. To be honest, I already quitted with alcohol since I started living in a healthy lifestyle (gym and diet), but they still gave me a can of “redhorse” beer. I zipped for one but my self-conviction towards my goal managed to kick my ass out of them. I decided not to join and rather stayed in my room. Should I be proud of myself for doing that?

The next morning I woke up early because I planned to go with Anai, Agri, and Mars in Petronas Tower, formerly the highest building in the world. Our meeting time was 8am but I arrived 15-20 minutes late. We met at Rotiboy bakeshop inside the Suria KLCC and headed straightaway to Petronas twin tower. There were already a massive group of people mostly foreigners in the line waiting for the ticket to be given out. The tickets are just limited and it’s a first come first serve basis. While we were on the line, an American guy spoke to Mars and asked about the catchphrase on her shirt. She was wearing the AMEX give away pink t-shirt with a slogan “They can’t tax your dreams”. Later we found out that the guy is actually working with American Express based in Washington and his wife is actually a Filipina. What a coincidence! We’re Filipino and we’re all former AMEX workers. Anyway, we all got our entrance tickets scheduled at 10:45AM. Since we still have time, we decided to have our breakfast @ Burger King.

We went back on time and watched a video about the tower. It was just a brief yet educational video. After that, we went up on 41st floor accompanied by the tourist guide. The panorama was amazing! We can only stay there for a couple of minutes so we took as many pictures as we can. It was a nice experience to be there overlooking Kuala Lumpur.

We strolled around Suria KLCC mall and had our lunch there. Anai and Agri ordered Chicken rice, Mars had Yoshinoba’s meal, and mine was Marinara seafoods pasta. After our lunch, we went to PWTC to visit the on-going MATTA fair.

We went there to see the cheapest packages they have going to Taman Negara since we are planning to go there on October 21-23. At the same time, we looked for packages going to Europe so we at least have an idea how much we need to save if we plan to have a vacation there in the future hehe. We also watched contingents from different Asian countries performing their cultural dances. Around 6:30PM, we decided to have our dinner @ Kenny Rogers. We all ordered the quarter chicken with 3 side dishes and muffin. It was a delightful heavy dinner.

It was indeed a long and tiring Saturday for all of us but as always I had fun going out with them.

Date Scribed: September 24, 2006
posted by Joseph @ 7:36 AM  
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