Monday, October 16, 2006
My 26th Birthday!

It’s been 26 years when I came out from my mom’s womb. A once cute and adorable baby turns into a handsome and loving man (bwahahaha I don’t need your REACTION on this OK).

I celebrated my birthday with my housemates and few invited friends. I initially intended not to celebrate it at all because I just didn’t feel it this time. But my housemates volunteered to cook for me so we went to the nearest wet market to buy ingredients needed. We prepared pansit, grilled tilapia, sisig, shrimps, and crispy pata.

Jennette brought her magic sing so we had videoke right after dinner while some played cards. Of course with beers and left over as pulutan hehe.

The party ended around 2am but the guys continued drinking ‘til 4am.

It was very tiring yet memorable day for me because I celebrated my birthday with a new crowd. =)

Birthday Wishes:
- more blessings to come (I hope I hope)
- stability in life (in all aspects)
- good health for myself, family, and friends (health is wealth)
- LOVE LIFE! (*wink *wink)

- to be physically fit and work on my flabby stomach (I am currently working on)
- to be able to save enough money to buy a house and lot for my family (I am already saving up for this)
- to be able to save enough money for my personal travel (maybe to follow)
- to retire my parents from working (my ultimate goal but as of now we have to help each other)
- to put up a small business (not my priority yet but soon)
- to look more attractive (bwahahaha do I need to say more?)

Special thanks to my housemates Ato and Tony for making this celebration possible. =)

Date Scribed: October 16, 2006

posted by Joseph @ 7:11 AM  
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