Monday, October 16, 2006
Giordano SALE!

As much as I would like to update my blog regularly, I can’t still find time from my busy schedule because I have a lot of tasks in my plate nowadays. And during non-office hours, I am as always pre-occupied with my other personal regimes.

It’s just that we have lost our connection from our host server now so I was able to set time to blog hehe. What a perfect time hehe.

Anyway, last Friday after office, we went to Jalan Segambut where Giordano had their factory sale. It was my first time so I was kinda excited. I recalled when I was in Phoenix I also loved to go to factory outlets and mega sales obviously because of the BIG discounts.

The outlet closes at 7pm so exactly 5pm we hurriedly wrapped-up everything in the office and went straight-away there. Fatefully, the cab driver didn’t know the place so we got lost! A 20 minutes away ride turned out to be an hour or so. *sigh*.

Since we don’t have much time to choose, I just grabbed everything I saw nice haha. The price ranges from 10RM to 29RM. It was damn CHEAP! So I bought a lot of t-shirts. polo shirts and pants. I was delighted not just because I bought new clothes for me more of I was able to save much.

The next day, I accompanied my housemates in the outlet and also bought shirts for my brother. All in all I only spent 500RM for 25 shirts (t-shirts and polo shirts) and 5 pants. Imagine, just 7,000 PHP for everything. Whew!

Date Scribed: October 16, 2006

posted by Joseph @ 7:09 AM  
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