Saturday, November 04, 2006
First Acquaintance at Starhill
Last night I went out to finally meet my online friend Eric (European) and his girl friends for the very first time. Eric and I have known each other via online chat for a couple of months already but we never had a chance to meet yet because he was still in UK when we first chatted. He’s a businessman and has his offices at Malaysia , Belgium , Indonesia , China , Hongkong, and UK so he flew back and forth on these places every now and then.

He returned back to KL two weeks ago to look after his business here and to have some time for himself I guess. Just in time, he texted me and asked for a drink. However, I was busy preparing for my Taman Negara trip and cannot accommodate him. And by the time I was already free, he was out of the country for some business trip. It was just last night when we finally find time to meet and have a couple of drinks.

We’d decided to meet at Starhill Gallery. It’s one of the nicest, luxurious, elite places here in Kuala Lumpur . Surrounded by huge and classy grand hotels, this place is really a perfect haven in the middle of the busy city for tourists and class people. (I’m not saying I am because I’m not haha.)

We’d met at around 9PM at the entrance. He was with his friends Jo and Sharmaine and was politely introduced to me. Jo is a 25 yr-old Chinese-Malaysian lady who’s currently working as an international flight stewardess at Malaysia Airlines while Sharmaine is a 20 yr-old Chinese-Malaysian student taking up Mass Communications and also a part-time Make-up artist and Cosmetics Specialist. We headed straight up inside in the cocktail/bar area where we met his other friend Cathy, a half Indonesian-half British student who’s also taking up Mass Communication and an event organizer. Mind you guys, these angels are so CLASSY, BEAUTIFUL, SEXY, and GORGEOUS with OOZING SEX APPEAL. All men in the area are looking at them because they really look so lovely. And most likely they envied us as well hehe.

Anyway, we talked talked and talked, laughed laughed and laughed, drink drink and drink all night, the usual things that people do during the first meeting. The girls are so liberated that they’re even not ashamed to talk about XXX (*wink *wink). In the middle of the night, Cathy’s friends Ali and the other guy (sorry I forgot the name; both are Europeans-Middle Easterners) came over and were also introduced to us. So all in all we’re 7 in the table.

Since most of us have early stuff to do the next morning, we have decided to head off past 12. Yeah too early for a night life huh, but anyways we can do that again some other time. Cathy was already tipsy by the time we leave the place but still kicking her ass out, On the other hand, Jo and Sharmaine were still poised and composed. While Eric and I, still pretty damn OK. Nonetheless, the girls still look stunning, eye-catching at night.

I had fun and enjoyed talking and drinking with these new found acquaintances. Nice meeting you guys. See you on Saturday! Let’s go party! Cheers!

Before I forgot, I’ll add you on my friend’s list ok. =P

Date Scribed: November 3, 2006
posted by Joseph @ 4:56 PM  
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