Wednesday, December 20, 2006
California Fitness
I am back! It’s been quite a while… I was so pre-occupied this past few weeks and I can barely find time to blog. But here I am again… back in action… =)

One thing that makes me busy these days is my gym schedule. If you’ve read my posts from the past months, I am really trying my best, pushing myself, to be on shape. We have this small gym in our condo that I used to go everyday to do cardio exercises. But I came to the point that I was beginning to feel bore stiff and plateau. So to not lose my interest, I decided to enroll in a fitness center near my place.

There are only two widely known fitness center here in Malaysia, California Fitness and Fitness First. Both offer a reasonable fee with their state of the art equipments and facilities. But I chose the first one because of the location, just near my office and home.

It was first introduced to me by my officemate Agnes. She’s been a member of this center for a year now. I set an appointment with one of the gym consultants to basically find out what they can offer. They toured me on the place and showed me all the facilities. I was really overwhelmed. It is a 5-floor fitness center situated in Sultan Ismail (Raja Chulan station), 4 stations away from my place. The 1st floor is the reception area where they accommodate all their guests. 2nd floor is the Physical Training area and headquarters of the personal trainers. 3rd floor is where you do your cardio exercises and other classes like cycling, body pump, yoga, pilates, dancing, etc. 4th floor is the resistance area where you can find the weights and other equipments for building muscles, kick boxing ring, etc. 5th floor is the shower, locker, and sauna and steam bath rooms.

Right then and there, I enrolled for a year and a half plan which they gave me a considerable discount. At the same time, I hired a personal trainer for a month to help me achieve my goal and to monitor my day to day training activities.

I was really excited to enroll in a gym. So this is finally it! I have no expectations or whatsoever… I’ll just go there to have fun… =)

Date Scribed: December 4, 2006
posted by Joseph @ 6:47 PM  
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