Friday, January 19, 2007
New Year’s Party
After our dinner on our friends’ place, we (Anai, Mars, Agri, Minnie, Zari, and me) decided to go out and GO PARTYYYYY!!!

There’s a fireworks show in KLCC Park at exactly 12am to welcome the coming of 2007 so we hurriedly leave Menara and headed to KLCC to watch it. But before that, we had a sort of like picture taking moments in the house first! Haha. While on our way to KLCC, we still did some candid picture taking inside the train. People were already looking oddly on us but the hell they care! We’re just having fun. Come on, I think every one love’s the camera! Agree? Hehe

Anyway, when we arrived on KLCC, there were already heaps of heaps of people waiting for the show, different people from different races. It was jammed-pack! Honestly, I personally like the crowd. It was refreshing to see people from different races gather in one place, just a perfect moment to mingle with them (Oh well, if you’re sociable type of person you will appreciate what I am saying). Unfortunately, to my surprise, some of my friends decided to leave the place earlier than expected as they can no longer stand the crowd. They were overwhelmed with the number of people present on the park. They were dumbfounded and frightened at the same time on the behavior and looks of some locals. But in my opinion, there was nothing wrong with that. There was nothing wrong with what they’re doing as they’re just having fun. But once they hurt you, it’s another story. Anyway, it’s just my opinion. Guys are guys, and we can protect ourselves. So to give way with my ladies, we leave the place and went straight to bars. In short, we missed the fireworks! =(

All of us decided to go to Bukit Bintang Walk, a strip of clubs, pubs, and bars in KL. This is a popular place not just for locals but mostly for foreigners too. It's a perfect place for party goers and freaks hehe. And if you also just want to go “site-seeing”, this is also a perfect place for you. Along this walk, you can choose a lot of places to hang out. This time, I just let the girls to decide where to go. In the end, they chose THE BEACH CLUB! But Agri and Mars weren’t in the mood that time so they just waited for us in Coffee Bean.

It wasn’t my first time to go here, my friend Eric already brought me here (see my previous post re: Night Life in KL). It was not a good experience. Since it was holiday, the entrance fee was twice the normal. I told them about what I have experienced and what to expect. But probably due to their curiosity, they still decided to kick their ass in.

There was a funny incident in the entrance where my ladies where asked to present their IC! Haha. Come on, they we’re already old enough for this kind of club! Do they look minor? Haha.

As expected, the music was damn boring. We tried to get along inside and dance in the middle. You can look on our faces that we were not enjoying! It looked like we’re just forcing ourselves to get the beat and have fun like the others. But when we really had enough, we decided to breathe out of the dance area. Funny because the music weren’t that much danceable and yet a lot as in A LOT of them were really enjoying the music. Haha. Seriously, we were the only group not enjoying the moment inside! My goodness! The music! Horrendous! Hahaha.

While resting outside, a young Norwegian guy approached me and greeted me a Happy New Year. He introduced himself and so do I. We talked for a while about our stay in Malaysia. Then I introduced him to the girls. I don’t know what’s wrong with my ladies as they look like they see a monster in front of them! Oh my, if they could only see their faces…Next time ladies be gracious, be sociable! They won’t bite you, believe me! Literally… hehe. He also introduced me to his friend who’s also from Oslo. After a small chit chat, they decided to go to their other Norwegian friends inside and I went back to my ladies.

Since we can’t stand the music, we went out the club to see Agri and Mars in Cofee Bean. We stayed there for a while then decided to go back hoping that the music is already pleasant (LOL) while Mars and Agri made their way home. Surprisingly, the music was already OK. Not just tolerable but already danceable like song of Shakira, Gasolina by Daddy Yankee, etc. So we took the opportunity and dance out with the crowd! At last, we could say that we finally dance! Haha. We were still on the middle of enjoying the moment when they played the last song. Yes! The LAST song of the night! Pity us!

Here in Malaysia, bars and clubs close at 3am even holidays so we can’t do anything about it. We went out and strolled around the place looking for any place we could hang out more. While on the street, a young Chinese guy approached me and greeted me a Happy New Year. Shockingly, he offered 200RM! At first, I thought he was telling that to one of my girls but little did I know that he liked me! Hell no! I am not into that… For God sake, give me a million RM and I’ll probably have second thoughts hahaha. Just kidding! Hehe.

Since we don’t have any place to go, we all decided to go back home (on Anai’s unit). Anai and I watched the AMEX idol video while Minnie and Zari slept on the sofa. We criticized each and every person in the video with no exemption even our friend Rye. Aside from that, we also talked about our experiences so far here in Malaysia. Little did we realize that it was already 8AM so I decided to go back home to rest.
It was indeed a tiring night for all of us but I had so much fun... I hope everyone else did too.
Date Scribed: (not recorded)
posted by Joseph @ 11:04 PM  
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