Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Elated yet Ruined
Yesterday and early this morning was one of the moments in my life where I dealt with some personal matters. I had this kind of serious chat, talk, and exchanging of emails with some of my closest friends. It was the time where I tested the water, a time where I found out the deepest meaning of our friendship. I am so happy to know that I really have true friends in you. Thank you. Because of that, I feel so elated.

But before the day ends, I felt sadden because I had a little argument with a friend late last night and early this morning. I wish I can write everything here in details. I just feel so stupid… I shouldn’t be going thru this if I just listened to my concerned friends. I shouldn’t be feeling this way if I didn’t push myself from the very first start. I shouldn’t be confused if I know where to stand in the first place. Now I know what they keep on telling me. Now I understand. But now, I am ruined.

I always tried to understand you and your situation… I hope this time, try to understand me…

Date Scribed: March 6, 2007
posted by Joseph @ 3:57 AM  
  • At March 12, 2007 6:07 AM, Blogger Bossie said…

    It can be very hard! I know, but at the end you know your true friends!
    You a great friend! Thanks!

  • At March 13, 2007 6:13 PM, Blogger Joseph said…

    thanks dude! I think i've told you everything about this hehe... if not yet, just remind me so i can tell you everything in details hehe.

    You're such a wonderful friend too! really an awesome man...

    Cheers! =)

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