Monday, March 05, 2007
Am Back Again!
Finally, after eons of time, I manage to update my blog. I don’t really know why but these past weeks, I really can’t find my rhythm. I can’t find the right words to start my blog with. I started a couple of entries back but can’t find the exact words to close them the way I like it. Even up to now… so I better leave them as they were and start a new beginning.

I was very busy at work for the past weeks. I had and still doing urgent tasks which shadowed my blogging moments. I can’t find time to blog because my mind was already stressed out from work at night. I know I shouldn’t be complaining as this is how programmer life goes; always dealing with codes' issues and abends. But doing this often made me think twice if this is really what I want… haha excuses excuses…

In addition to that, we finally got our own internet connection this week! So instead of spending my spare time blogging, I spent it chatting with my friends. So as you would have thought, I can’t sqeeze my time to blog.

Since I am still anxious and too excited to use our connection, I spent and devoted my weekend at home. I did nothing but chat, surf, and listen to music. It was a damn lazy weekend to admit. But I liked it! It was fun doing it once in a while and not to mention that I am really, with all honesty, a chat addict hehe.

Sunday, after attending the mass, I went to Subang Jaya with some of my Filipino officemates. My manager invited us for a lunch on his house (Open house for CNY). So after mass, we headed straight away to his place. We took STAR LRT to Bandaraya, then took KTM Komuter to Subang Jaya station. From there we took a cab. It took as more than an hour to get there.

We were really starving to death while on our way. We thought of like he’d probably be serving us dimsum, shiomai, etc since my manager is a Chinese; just talking about those Chinese delicacies made us even more hungrier. When we arrived in the place, we’re surprised! Pizza for lunch! (Come on, it was lunch so of course we expect a meal at least! Hehe). But I actually loved it. Though it’s not a heavy meal like what we Filipinos normally have for lunch, but it’s still fine with me. After all, it’s for free so we should be thankful in the first place! After lunch, we played cards with the locals but we didn’t stay there for long. We headed back home mid afternoon but before we separate ways, we ate first in Chicken Rice! (obviously, you know why ahahaha)

I was supposed to play tennis with my friends last night but rain stopped us from doing. So I just jumped straight off to my pc and chat to my online friends.

I really missed this chatting habit I have in me. I remember, I used to be a founder and operator of several channels in MIRC way back college years. I was always up late to chat with my friends and never complained nor get tired of it. I just lost momentum when I started to work. But now that I have more time at night, I think I can get back that old habit of mine hahaha.

Date Scribed: March 5, 2007
posted by Joseph @ 9:02 PM  
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