Sunday, February 04, 2007
Lakwatsa with Marla, Anna, and Allan

Last Saturday, I treated my friends Marla, Anna, and Allan here in KL. Three of them were my former AMEX-Triumph friends and all of us are now working here in KL. Marla arrived a week earlier that the two. But relatively, they’re all still new in this place.

Since I was the once who convinced them to try their luck here, I treated them for a day of “lakwatsa at lakaran”. We all decided to meet after lunch in front of Rotiboy at KLCC. Since it was their first time to go to KL, we didn’t waste any time. We went straight away to Petronas Tower and took pictures of them with Petronas (as usual). It was drizzling, so we didn’t stay there for so long. After taking pictures we went inside the mall and roamed around the place.

We then went to Aquaria. It was also my first time to go there so I was kinda excited. As expected, we saw a lot of interesting fishes including the popular sting-ray and sharks. I personally enjoyed it but for 38RM entrance fee, I don’t think it’s worth it.

Nothing much to see in KLCC, I brought them to Lowyat, Sungei Wang, and Time Square. But before that, we had our merienda first in fast food. I ordered them the famous seafood marinara spaghetti, fettuccine, seafood supreme, and americano supreme pizza.

After looking around for new gadgets, laptops, etc; buying lala’s earphone, sandals, pen drive; we called the day off at 8PM.

Like my case, they resigned on our previous work looking for greener pasture, better life, and stability in all aspects. I just hope that they will like their stay here in KL as I did. And I also hope they can find what they are looking for here in their so called journey of life.

Date Scribed: February 5, 2007

posted by Joseph @ 10:40 PM  
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