Thursday, February 15, 2007
Night Out @ Thai Club
After a long week, with nothing else to do last Friday night (February 09, 2007), my friends Anai, Minnie, Zari, and the newly recruited member Jen, and myself decided to go out PARTEEH!

We met at KLCC around 10pm. As usual, they were late! After 48 years of hanging around (hehe), they finally arrived. And in my surprise, I saw Anai wearing dress! I was stunned, shocked, disoriented, and almost fell off on the ground (haha exagg). But seriously, it was only my first time to see her in dress. I usually saw her in jeans and shirts or just match it with blouses. But never have I imagined her wearing something like that, a silhouette tube matched with micro-mini skirt along with netted stockings embroidered with flowers and feathers in it. Bwahahaha just kidding PEACE Anai! She actually wore a casual sleeveless dress. Not that revealing for some, but for a very conservative, demure, and reserved woman like her, it definitely is! I am really proud of you Anai! You’re now coming out of your shell! *wink *wink

The early plan was to go to Zouk bar which is just a few blocks away from Suria-KLCC. I haven’t been there yet so I was quite curious too. When we arrived on the place, there were already some people outside; some were just hanging around with their friends whilst some probably were waiting for their time to go inside (because they let members to get in first). The crowd is similar to what I had seen in Cynna and B Beautiful, mostly young show-off , elite people. So if you’re into like that, then these are the places for you to be. But we’re not haha. So before we totally get bewildered with these people, we left the place and headed to Bukit Bintang Walk instead. This is the same strip where we celebrated our New Year. Here you can find a lot of clubs and bars for all genre and ages. So for that night, we chose Thai Club!

This club is somewhat similar to The Beach Club but quite decent I guess. The music is no doubt way better that the other one. It varied from hip-hop dance to house music. So we didn’t not waste any time and danced out the whole night. One funny incident happened that night where I was (then again) approached by a “guy”! A Chinese guy talked to me while we were dancing in the middle of the crowd. But I didn’t entertain him because he’s obviously drunk.

It was indeed another tiring and exhausting night out but, as always, I had so much fun! And it seems like we’ll be doing this often from now on! Can’t wait! =)

Date Scribed: February 16, 2007
posted by Joseph @ 10:17 PM  
  • At March 06, 2007 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hahaha.. natawa naman ako sa description mo about sa pagsuot ko ng damit.. pero finally nakapag-update ka na ng blog mo after 10 years hahahaha!!!

  • At November 10, 2008 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well written article.

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